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  • Celebrating the Backbone of Society: What Madam says on Labor Day

    Labor Day, observed on the first of May in many countries, is more than just a day off work. It's a day of recognition, a time to celebrate the contributions of the workforce, the very backbone of society. Puspashree Mohapatra the President of Fortune School Soro says on Labor day. The origins of Labor Day lie in the struggles of the late 19th century. The rise of industrialization brought immense wealth, but at a human cost. Workers toiled long hours in dangerous conditions for meager wages. Recognizing this injustice, labor unions emerged, fighting for fairer treatment and basic rights like the eight-hour workday. Labor Day became a symbol of these struggles and a testament to the achievements of the labor movement. Today, Labor Day serves multiple purposes. It's a day of appreciation for the countless individuals who keep the wheels of society turning. From teachers and nurses to factory workers and sanitation crews, every profession plays a vital role. It's a day to reflect on the progress made – weekends, paid leave, and safety regulations are all legacies of the labor movement's efforts. Furthermore, Labor Day is a day to look towards the future. It's a time to consider ongoing challenges faced by workers, such as income inequality, job security in a changing economy, and ensuring safe and fair working conditions for all. Labor Day serves as a reminder of the ongoing fight for workers' rights, a fight that requires continued vigilance and collective action. Puspashree Mohapatra also says that Labor Day is also a day of rest and rejuvenation. After a year of hard work, it's a chance to recharge, spend time with loved ones, and pursue leisure activities. This well-deserved break helps ensure that workers return to their jobs refreshed and ready to contribute their best. She concludes saying that, Labor Day is a multifaceted holiday. It's a day of celebration, reflection, and action. It's a day to honor the past, acknowledge the present, and strive for a better future for all workers. It's a reminder that a strong and thriving workforce is essential for a healthy and prosperous society.

  • Tips and Tricks for CBSE Class 10 Board Exams

    Cracking the CBSE Class 10 exams is all about smart preparation. Here are some tips and tricks to help you ace them: Planning and Strategy: Know the Syllabus and Exam Pattern:  Be familiar with the latest syllabus and exam pattern for each subject. This will help you focus your studies and understand the weightage of different topics Craft a Study Schedule: Create a realistic timetable that allocates time for each subject. Be flexible and adjust it based on your needs. Consistency is key, so stick to your plan as much as possible. Power Up Your Studies: NCERT is King: Make NCERT textbooks your primary resource. Most CBSE questions are based on these books. Understand the concepts thoroughly before moving on. Smart Notes Taking: Develop a note-taking system that works for you. Use concise notes, diagrams, and flowcharts for effective revision. Focus on High-Weightage Topics:  Identify chapters with more marks and prioritize studying them first. Practice Makes Perfect: Solve Sample Papers and Previous Years' Questions:  Practice with mock tests and previous years' question papers to improve your time management skills and get familiar with the question format. Focus on Application: Don't just memorize facts. Practice applying concepts to solve problems. Taking the Exam: Stay Calm and Composed: Exam stress is normal. Take deep breaths and positive affirmations to stay calm and focused during the exam. Time Management is Crucial:  Pay attention to the marks allotted to each question and plan your time accordingly. Don't get stuck on a single question. Read Instructions Carefully: Read each question thoroughly and understand what is being asked before attempting it. Presentation Matters: Maintain a neat and legible handwriting. Underline important points and leave enough space for working. Bonus Tip: Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Getting enough sleep, eating nutritious food, and exercising regularly will improve your concentration and memory. Remember, these are just some tips. Find what works best for you and stay focused on your goals. Good luck with your exams!

  • Admissions to Sainik Schools In India

    Admission to Sainik Schools in India is through a national level entrance exam called the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination (AISSEE). The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts the AISSEE exam every year for admissions to Classes 6 and 9. Here's a step-by-step process on how to get admission into Sainik School in India: Eligibility: Class 6: Boys and girls between the age of 10-12 years as of 31st March of the year of admission. Class 9: Boys and girls between the age of 13-15 years as of 31st March of the year of admission. Steps involved: Apply online: The application process for AISSEE is usually conducted online in the month of October or November every year. You can find the application form and prospectus on the official AISSEE website Take the AISSEE exam: The AISSEE exam is generally held in January. The exam pattern and syllabus for Class 6 and 9 are different. Class 6: The AISSEE for Class 6 comprises Mathematics, General Knowledge (Science & Social Science), Language (Hindi or English), and Intelligence Test. Class 9: The AISSEE for Class 9 comprises Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, and Intelligence Test. Appear for interview and medical test: After the written exam, shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview and a medical test. E-counselling: Based on the merit list prepared after the AISSEE exam, interview, and medical test, a counseling session will be conducted online for seat allotment. Here are some additional points to remember: There is a minimum qualifying mark requirement for passing the AISSEE exam. However, the cut-off marks vary depending on the category and the number of available seats. Sainik Schools offer reservation for Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), Persons with Disabilities (PWD), and wards of defense personnel. The Sainik Schools website also has a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section that can answer many of your queries about the admission process Sainik Schools are a great option for students who want a disciplined and academically rigorous education with a focus on developing leadership qualities and preparing for a career in the defense forces.

  • Holistic Development of Children

    Holistic development in children refers to their growth across all the important aspects that make them who they are. It's not just about academics, but nurturing a well-rounded individual. Here's a breakdown of the key areas: Physical Development: This involves growth, motor skills, and overall health. Activities like sports, dance, and playtime all contribute here. Social Development: This is about learning to interact with others, make friends, and communicate effectively. Team games, group projects, and social-emotional learning programs can help. Emotional Development:  This involves understanding and managing emotions, building self-esteem, and developing healthy coping mechanisms. Open communication, expressing feelings freely, and age-appropriate discussions are important. Intellectual Development: This is about cognitive skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity. Activities that challenge children to think, ask questions, and explore are key. (Sometimes included) Spiritual Development: This involves building a sense of purpose, values, and morals. It can be fostered through exposure to different cultures, ethics discussions, and community service. These areas are interconnected. For instance, good social skills can boost confidence (emotional), while physical activity can improve cognitive function. Here's why holistic development is important: Well-rounded Individuals: Children develop a strong foundation in all aspects crucial for life, not just academics. Improved Learning: When a child feels good physically, emotionally, and socially, they're better prepared to learn and retain information. Resilience:  Holistic development equips children with the skills to cope with challenges and navigate life's complexities. Future Success:  These skills prepare children to become well-adjusted, responsible, and thriving adults. This post was approved by Puspashree Mohapatra of Fortune School Soro. She says at Fortune School Soro the teachers try for the holistic development of the children.

  • Effective Teaching Methodology

    There isn't a one-size-fits-all approach, but some research-backed methods can be very effective in schools! Here are a few: Engaging Activities and Student-Centered Learning: Project-Based Learning (PBL): Students delve into a real-world problem and work collaboratively to find solutions. This fosters critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. Flipped Classroom: Lectures or informational videos are watched at home, while classroom time focuses on discussions, activities, and applying knowledge. Gamification:  Learning is turned into a game with points, badges, and leaderboards, making it fun and motivating. Collaboration and Social Interaction: Cooperative Learning:  Students work in small groups on a shared goal, promoting teamwork, communication, and different learning styles. Peer Teaching and Assessment:  Students take turns explaining concepts to each other, solidifying their own understanding and developing communication skills. Differentiation and Personalized Learning: Multiple Intelligences: Cater to various learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) by using diverse teaching methods and materials. Tiered Instruction:  Provide differentiated instruction based on student needs, offering more support or challenge as needed. Foundational Techniques and Assessment: Explicit Instruction:  Teachers clearly explain concepts, model skills, and provide guided practice before independent work. Formative Assessment:  Regular checks for understanding throughout a lesson allow teachers to adjust instruction and identify areas where students need more help. Metacognition:  Students learn to reflect on their own learning process, becoming more strategic and independent learners. Remember, the best teachers use a variety of methods and adapt them to their students' needs and the subject matter. This post has been approved by Puspashree Mohapatra of Fortune School Soro Odisha.

  • Parenting tips for Summer

    Making Memories: Summer Fun for Kids and You! Summer vacation – a time for kids to relax, recharge, and explore new interests. But for parents, it can also mean juggling schedules, keeping boredom at bay, and ensuring a balance between fun and learning. Here are some tips to navigate summer vacation smoothly: Planning & Structure: Create a Schedule: While structure is important, avoid overscheduling. Include a mix of planned activities, free play time, and relaxation. Dedicate a few hours each day to reading, educational apps, or workbooks to prevent learning loss. Plan Activities Together: Get your kids involved! Brainstorm ideas for day trips, library visits, or local events. Consider their interests – art camps, sports programs, or volunteering opportunities. Embrace Boredom: While it's tempting to fill every minute, some unstructured time allows for creativity and imagination to flourish. Let them build forts, write stories, or simply daydream. Learning & Exploration: Summer Learning Programs: Many libraries and community centers offer fun, educational programs. These are a great way to keep kids engaged and prevent the "summer slide." Embrace Everyday Learning: Learning doesn't have to be confined to textbooks. Turn everyday activities into learning experiences. Count groceries at the store, stargaze at night, or learn a new recipe together. Explore Local Treasures: Visit museums, zoos, historical sites, or even your local park. These outings provide opportunities to learn about science, history, and the natural world. Outdoor Fun & Connection: Beat the Heat: Plan outdoor activities for cooler mornings and evenings. Encourage water play, bike rides, or backyard picnics. Don't forget sunscreen and hats! Neighborhood Playdates: Organize playdates with friends and neighbors. Encourage outdoor games like tag, jump rope, or frisbee. Family Time: Plan weekend camping trips, family hikes, or movie nights under the stars. These shared experiences create lasting memories and strengthen family bonds. Remember: Be Flexible: Things don't always go according to plan. Be prepared to adjust the schedule or activities based on weather or unexpected situations. Focus on Fun: The primary goal of summer vacation is for kids to have fun and relax. Create a positive and supportive environment where they feel free to explore their interests. Unplug and Recharge: Limit screen time and encourage outdoor play. This allows for better sleep, improved focus, and a deeper connection with nature. By incorporating these tips, you can create a summer filled with fun, learning, and lasting memories for you and your children. After all, summer is a precious time to bond, explore, and make the most of those carefree days!

  • Lesson Plan for School

    Here's a breakdown of how to create a lesson plan: 1. Set Goals and Objectives: Big Picture: Start with the topic or skill you want students to learn. This aligns with the curriculum and learning goals. Specific Objectives: Define what students will be able to do by the end of the lesson. These objectives should be clear, measurable, and achievable within the lesson timeframe. Use strong action verbs to describe what students will learn (e.g., "analyze," "create," "solve"). 2. Consider Your Students: Age and Grade Level: Tailor the content, activities, and difficulty level to your students' age and developmental stage. Prior Knowledge: What do students already know about the topic? Build upon existing knowledge to introduce new information. Learning Styles: Incorporate activities that cater to different learning styles (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) to engage all students. 3. Plan the Lesson Flow: Introduction (Hook): Grab students' attention and introduce the topic. This could be a question, activity, short video, or image related to the lesson objective. Instructional Activities: This is the core of your lesson where students actively learn and practice the new information or skill. Use a variety of activities like lectures, discussions, group work, hands-on experiments, projects, or technology integration. Assessment: Check for student understanding throughout the lesson. This can be informal (asking questions, observing participation) or formal (quizzes, exit tickets). 4. Plan the Materials and Resources: List everything you'll need to deliver the lesson, including worksheets, textbooks, manipulatives, technology tools, art supplies, or any other specific materials. 5. Wrap Up and Differentiation Closure: Summarize the key points of the lesson and ensure students understand the main concepts. Differentiation: Consider ways to modify the lesson for students who need extra support or those who can move ahead at a faster pace. Additional Tips: Plan for different timeframes: Be flexible and have backup activities in case the lesson runs shorter or longer than expected. Keep it concise: A lesson plan should be clear and easy to follow, ideally one or two pages long. Use Templates: Many schools or online resources provide lesson plan templates to help you get started. By following these steps, you can create effective lesson plans that engage your students and promote learning.

  • Welcome to Fortune the best school in Soro

    Hello. I am Dr Jayanta Mohapatra. I would like to welcome you to Fortune school and my blog about the best academic practices that can lead to better education system in Soro and Baleshwar and in our state. I also welcome your views on how to make education better for our new generation. Subscribe.

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